Join us in Shopping Small this season on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 30 (and every day) and check out our 140+ independent shops, galleries, restaurants, bars, breweries, coffee shops and more. Still need a Holiday Coupon Book? Stop in Terra Verde or Mountain Chalet. Find caroling groups from Soli Deo Gloria Choir throughout Downtown providing a holiday soundtrack during your shopping.
Small business Saturday
Small Business Saturday
We love our small businesses!
Show a little local love on November 30, 2024
Since Small Business Saturday falls late in November this year, we’re handing out the Downtown Holiday Coupon books early, on Saturday, Nov. 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Acacia Park, along with the Holiday Character Stroll so you can take advantage of the offers early AND on Small Business Saturday.
If you still need your Downtown Holiday Coupon Book on Small Business Saturday, please stop in Terra Verde or Mountain Chalet to pick one up!
When you shop local, you are supporting your friends, neighbors and fellow community members.
Small Business Saturday EVERY Saturday
Make EVERY Saturday this holiday season #SmallBizSaturday. More of every dollar spent in a local business stays in the local economy…when you Shop Small you make a Big Impact!
And, don’t forget to download the free Discover Downtown Digital Pass for great offers and discounts this holiday season!
Shop your favorite Downtown stores online, check out our online directory here.
Purchase a gift card to your favorite shop, restaurant or salon
Purchase a Downtown Gift Card to ensure that shop owner receives the revenue
Leave a review for your favorite businesses (Google, Yelp, Facebook)
Share your favorite businesses social media posts
Create a #shoplocal post, tag your favorite boutiques & restaurants and share with friends
Shop Small Facts
Over 90% of Downtown Colorado Springs businesses are locally owned by your friends & neighbors.
When you spend $100 locally, $70 stays in our community, creating jobs and providing taxes to support local infrastructure, schools and public safety. When you spend $100 at a chain, $60 leaves the community.
Your Downtown businesses need you!
Pictured: Jim & Elaine Smith, owners of Mountain Chalet